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  • 【美帝键盘侠】库里回应KD言论|杜兰特的话有些忘恩负义?

    2019-09-20 来源:五星体育





    ThunderSandyMandy17832 points·9 hoursago

    Wait.. I thought the wholereason he left us was to be a part of a system like that?


    回复:[IND] Travis Beststylozo1.1kpoints·13 hoursago

    KD saysso many contradictory things. The weird thing is I don’t think he’s everdisingenuous or dishonest. He just has so many different feelings and opinionson different days so it all becomes a weird mess of quotes that leaves youscratching your head. I think he’s just a strange dude.


    回复:Heatwhatdoinamemyself689 points·12 hoursago

    I thinkhe's dishonest. Not in that he's lying but he's trying to spin the truth to bemore favorable.

    He leftOKC to win. Motion offense brought him that.

    He leftGSW to win as the #1 guy. Motion offense takes away from his shine.

    But Ialso truly believe he has an unhealthy need to be well liked and he was nevergoing to get that at the Warriors.





    MagicBirchTreeMilk3.8k points·16 hours ago

    Yeeeah,did the motion offense really stagnate as the rounds went on? Obviously thetalent level goes up, so it's much harder, but they still went through teamslike butter with the motion offense in the playoffs. Never understood whatDurant was talking about, he just wanted to play his own brand of basketballand not be stuck in a system like GSW, and to say that the Warriors motionoffense stopped working in the later rounds is kinda bs but what do I know?


    回复:datruerex2.7k points·15 hours ago

    I justdon’t get KD. I thought the whole reason he left OKC was because OKC’s offense wasstagnant around him and Westbrook hence he wanted to play a more “pure” andfluid form of basketball so he went to the warriors...what’s all thisbacktracking all of a sudden??


    回复:[BKN] Rondae Hollis-Jeffersonthehardcoreotter3.2k points·15 hoursago

    My theoryis that he joined a team to play flowing team ball and have an easier load. Butwhen he got that, and didn’t get full credit for the success of the team, giventhat, you know, he joined a 73 win team, he got in his feelings about it.


    回复:BucksiFinesseThePlug1.4k points·15 hours ago·edited 15 hours ago

    That's obviouslywhat happened.

    He wantedto play beautiful basketball and everything, but it seems like he also honestlybelieved he'd be seen as some kind of savior or missing piece for a team thatjust lost in the Finals.

    Then heimmediately got a ton of shit for his decision and called up his agent asking"why did you let me do this to my life"




    回复: shadracko672 points·15 hours ago

    Yep. Hewants beautiful basketball where he's the guy making the shots. But that's acontradiction. Beautiful motion basketball takes what the defense gives you,which is often shots for "lesser" players.


    回复:Bulls TankwagonManIWantAName371 points·14 hours ago

    Ah. Soall he needs is a defense that gives him easy shots in a motion offense. Whydidn't he just go to China?


    回复:Bullsnoneym86330points·14 hoursago

    Notwitter or IG


    回复:Cavaliersyjk924172points·14 hoursago

    KD willbe on Weibo


    KnickedUp2.2k points·16 hours ago

    ForCurry..this is like someone else saying FUCK OFF KD


    回复:can_wien071.1k points·15 hours ago·edited 14 hours ago

    yep.Marcus Thompson said that if curry appears even subtly annoyed you can bet he's10x more pissed behind the scenes.


    回复:HeatHotzspot273 points·13 hoursago

    I don'tblame him, he was a 2x MVP, the first unanimous MVP, putting up monster seasonsand then he willingly gives that + some decent pay days up to become the secondoption to KD which helps win GSW two more championships and then KD comes outand says this?

    I can'timagine how pissed Klay and Dray are as well, they were doing a shit load tomake KD at GSW work and what KD said just sounds ungrateful



    回复:[GSW] Stephen Curryec20289points·14 hoursago

    I readand listen to a lot of Steph Curry and this is about as pissed off as he gets.


    回复:Hakeem OlajuwonAJMorgan282points·13 hoursago

    I hopethis lights a fire under his ass and he comes out and averages 40 points and 10assists on 70% ts for the regular season, leads the warriors to 74 wins andwins a second unanimous MVP out of spite. I want him to go into the playoffsand get so hot he scorches the ground he walks on and sweeps every team put infront of him in embarrassing fashion until the WCF where I hope he averages50ppg and breaks MJs single game playoff scoring record while dropping 15 3s inthe last game of a convincing 4-0 defeat to the mighty Houston Rockets on theirway to the title.


    回复:[PHI] Ben Simmonsthatsinsaneletstryit112 points·12 hours ago

    saw theflair and knew it was coming lmao


    [PHI] Joel EmbiidDxG_DxG1.6kpoints·16 hoursago

    Reallyseems like Durant creates a narrative in his head that everyone is against himand then acts out as if it were true and in doing so makes it actually happen.

    To himOKC doesn’t really like him, the warriors don’t really like him, so he givesthese passive aggressive comments and then people react to it and he feels likehe was right the whole time.

    I dowonder how he imagines things will be different in Brooklyn. How the fans willprove themselves to KD.




    wheatbreadd567 points·15 hours ago

    KD'speople should never let him get interviewed without a script ever again.


    BucksPantherU591points·20 hoursago

    Durantwants to win titles playing Hero Ball. Sorry this ain't 2K, Chuck.


    来源:reddit  编译:柯头



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